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3 Ways to Perform a Love Spell

Working with love magick can be an incredibly positive and rewarding experience with lots of different methods depending on the results you are looking for. Remember when working with this type of magick to be very careful what you ask for and do not make unreasonable requests. Think very carefully about what matters most to you.

1. Self-Love Ritual Bath 

This spell is a gentle self-love ritual designed to enhance your positive outlook and help you on your journey of self-love and confidence. 


Red Rose Incense

Dried Lavender 

Dried Jasmine

Epsom salt, or Himalayan salt


Begin by lighting your rose incense in your bathroom, or wherever you plan to take your ritual bath. Fill the room with the enchanting aromas of rose. The red rose has a long history of being the flower of love, and it will always carry this tradition. The incense is going to enhance your feelings of love, confidence, and relaxation. 

Now fill up your bathtub, and cleanse the waters with your burning rose incense. Pour your salt into the bath first, the salt aids protection and removes negative energies and blockages. Finally, grab your herbs and sprinkle them over the water. Lavender and Jasmine work great together when conducting rituals of love. These hold properties of peace and tranquillity all that you need for a bath. 

Begin to submerge and relax in the waters for some time, visioning all the properties of the botanicals absorbing into your body. Take time to think about what creates your happiness, think about where you share your love. Ensure there are little distractions so you can focus on your intentions.  

Once you are finished, journal what you experienced and write about what you found. 


2. Ribbon Spell for Love and Harmony 

This spell is designed to attract love or to enhance harmony in your relationships. The lilac candle represents peace and spiritual connection, the lilac ribbon symbolizes gentle bonds of love, and the strawberry incense brings sweet and uplifting energy.  Best performed on a full moon. 


Lilac candle  

Lilac ribbon  

Strawberry incense

Fireproof dish or incense holder 

A small piece of pink paper and a pen  


Focus on your goal for the spell and light the lilac candle. Say or chant: 

 "Light of lilac, soft and true, bring love and harmony into view." 

Light the strawberry incense and say:  

"Scent of sweetness, love's delight, surround my heart and fill the night." 

Hold the lilac ribbon in your hands and imagine it glowing with soft pink and purple energy. Then say:  

"Ribbon of lilac, bind with care, love, and peace are mine to share." 

Using the paper, write your intention or a short affirmation, such as: "I welcome love and harmony into my life." Fold the paper and tie it with the lilac ribbon, knotting it three times to seal your intention. 

Pass the ribbon and paper through the incense smoke three times, saying:  

"Bound by flame, smoke, and air, my heart is open, love is there." 

Place the tied ribbon and token somewhere special (e.g., on your altar, under your pillow, or in a drawer).  Let the candle and incense burn down safely or extinguish them when you feel the spell is complete. 

3. Carnelian Love Spell 

This spell will work to increase the feelings of love in an existing relationship or bring a new relationship into your life.  The spell is worked in the same way, but the visualization is different.  Always remember that you cannot compel someone to share their love with you and any spell to bring love into your life must not contain the name of a person without their consent and knowledge. 

This spell should be conducted on the evening of a new moon. 


Red heart-shaped tealight 

4 x pieces of Carnelian crystal 

6 x mini pink candles 

White paper



Write down the type of relationship you would like to attract on a piece of white paper.  List of the attributes you would desire in a new partner or friend. Think carefully about what matters to you most – honesty, for example, is a reasonable request, but ‘owns a sports car’ would not. For an existing relationship write down all the things you value between you that you wish to strengthen. 

Cleanse a dish, or tray, and add soil, sand, or other substance in which to stand candles.  

Fold the piece of paper and place it under the tealight in the center of the dish.  Place the carnelian at four points around the tealight, so that if lines were drawn between them, they would make a cross.  Place the six mini candles in a circle around the carnelian at even intervals. 

Light the tealight and then light the candles. 

Focus on bringing love into your life, picture the way it will make you feel, what you have to offer, and times that you could share.  Try not to focus particularly on physical appearance or superficial things but, rather, the essence of the person themselves.  

Breathe slowly in and out, picturing how you will share and grow with this person. Then chant: 

As this candle burns, my heart burns for love 

As the wax melts, my heart melts with love 

When this spell is complete, love will come to me 

Blow out the candles, sending your wishes out into the universe with the wafting smoke.  Remove the piece of paper and place it under your pillow until the full moon, then bury or burn. 

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