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Dreams and Their Meanings

There are many schools of thought when it comes to dreams in the world of witchcraft. Some have the belief that dreams can predict the future or that they can be a way to see into other worlds. Another largely held belief is that they are a way to see into your feelings, indicating your worries.  Here are some of the most common dreams and what they could be trying to tell you. 


Falling hopelessly in a dream signifies that you feel out of control or are harboring a sense of failure.   

Consider what situation is troubling you and what you can do to ease your feelings.  

Useful Crystals:  Blue Tiger’s Eye, Jade  Useful Herbs:  Ashwagandha, Lavender 


Being Chased 

Running away, or escaping, from something, or someone, is usually a sign that you have heightened anxiety and wish to run from what is troubling you. 

Meditate on anything that is causing you anxiety and consider how best you can tackle the situationDo you need to take a break or have some time to yourself?   

Useful Crystals:  Sodalite, Malachite   Useful Herbs:  Lavender, Lemon Balm, Valerian 



Dreams of being naked in a public place can mean that you are feeling badly done by or cheated by othersSeeing someone else naked in a public place signifies that you are worried about exposing someone by saying something about them, reporting them, or showing them up. 

Consider distancing yourself from anyone in your life that is toxic to youTalk to a trusted friend if the dream is about someone else to gauge their opinion before you take action. 

Useful Crystals: Rose Quartz, Aquamarine   Useful Herbs : Passionflower, Chamomile 



Dreams where you are flying usually mean that you are moving into a new phase in your lifeIf you struggle to fly, something or someone is holding you back. 

Do what you need to do to prepare for a new life phase, make lists to organize yourself or consider the pros and cons of any decisions you need to make.  

Useful Crystals:  Labradorite, Amethyst  Useful Herbs:  Nettle, Dandelion, Mugwort 


Hair Falling Out 

If you are pulling your hair out in a dream, or see your hair coming away, it usually means that you are suffering from a feeling of lossThis may be a loss of a phase of life, youth, place or person.  

Meditate on the loss that you feel and practice self-loveRemember that all feelings are permissible when going through the process of grief. Feel them, acknowledge them, and accept them for what they are – part of the process. 

Useful CrystalsClear Quartz, Lepidolite  Useful Herbs:  Rose, Hawthorn, Linden



Further to the interpretations of dreams, we have discussed here there is a historic style of divination based on dreams called 'Oneiromancy' pronounced ‘oh-nye-romancey’. This is different from interpreting what our dreams mean. Interpreting your dreams provides you with what your subconscious is trying to tell you in the present. Whereas Oneiromancy is the belief dreams are signs of what is going to happen in the future.  

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