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Hunters Moon

On Sunday 13th October 2019, the Hunters Moon will grace our skies. It will appear in the sky at around 22:05 GMT.
The phrase Hunters Moon is used to refer to the full moon that appears during the month of October and is the closest moon to the Autumn equinox. 
The Hunters Moon typically appears in October however, every 4 years the Hunters Moon actually appears in November!
Traditionally, the Native Americans used this moon to stalk and hunt deer and foxes, as the fields had recently been reaped and it was easier to see the animals in among the crops.
The Hunters Moon is also known as the Blood Moon or the Sanguine Moon, on the night of this moon it is the perfect time to connect with nature, as nature is calming down and entering hibernation. Connect with the animals in your life to become closer to them and also bring out your animal instincts. As the name blood moon suggests it is a good time to connect with the blood that flows inside you, as it is an essence of life and will help you to strengthen your aura. 
As this is the closest full moon to Samhain it is a perfect time to cleanse your aura and tools ready for Samhain itself and all of your upcoming Samhain festivities.

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