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Magickal Properties of Dragons Blood ink

Dragons blood ink is one of those magickal ingredients whose name sounds like it's straight out of a fantasy novel. This ink, of course, doesn`t contain real dragon's blood. It can refer to a red hued ink handmade with a particular type of dragons blood resin which is obtained from various plants.  The ink can be tricky to make and is sometimes made using alcohol and gum arabic. Recipes to make this ink at home abound on the internet and can have mixed results.  Sometimes herbs or fragrance are added but the ink, however, often doesn't keep well and can clog pens.

Commercially made dragon's blood inks tend not to include the resin but will have other ingredients to create the look and feel of a rich ink.  A good ink will be slightly viscous and will flow well on the pen or quill.  Whilst it may not contain the actual resin, there is no reason that it should not have the same magickal intent when writing with it.

Dragons blood ink is traditionally used to empower written spells and chants. In ancient times it is likely that animal blood was used to write magickal spells and there is some evidence that this was used to sign important documents, such as treaties and some grimoires and other magickal works.  Little is known about blood magick however and it is considered unethical by most modern day witches who would not consider it an option.

Whether writing a spell for protection, abundance or strength, it is thought that dragons blood ink, or similar inks, such as bats blood or doves blood (again, not made with real animal blood)  can boost the intent of the words and empower rituals.

Some preparation is needed to write successfully with inks.  Prepare the area and particularly if performing rituals by cleansing your tools and space. When writing with intention try and ensure that nothing is going to interrupt the practice. Now, grab a piece of good paper such as handmade speciality paper or parchment. Carefully dip a quill, nib, feather, pin or even your finger, into your pot of ink. You don`t need a lot, just a small amount should be adequate. Now begin to write, be it a spell, a sigil, manifestations or an oath. Magickal writing can be powerful, so ensure you are writing with intention and a clear mind to ensure good results.

If you were lucky enough to get one of our November Witchboxes you will have received your very own pot of dragons blood ink to use in your craft. 

[images show a small selection of items from our November Witchbox]

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