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Celebrating Samhain

Samhain Blessings!

Samhain is about honouring your ancestors and celebrating the cycle of life and death. As the leaves fall and the nights grow longer harvest season has drawn to a close. The air has become icy and winter looms in the distance. 

The sunset on Samhain is the beginning of the new Celtic year, a great time for starting fresh. Take a moment to think about the past year, is there anything to resolve? Now is the time to do so. This will allow you to look forward to the new year with a clear head.

We want to share some essential Samhain rituals and practices. 

Begin by setting up your altar, decorating an altar is always so much fun. It`s personal and creative, as it involves customising a sacred space. Marigolds, jack o lanterns, fallen leaves and candles are excellent choices for a Samhain altar. Use your creative freedom to make this altar personal. 

Calling upon your Ancestors Ritual

Light a candle in a dark room and close your eyes. Begin to call upon your ancestors and loved ones which passed before you. You may want to sit at a table with chairs, offering them a place to sit and rest. You can choose to ask for guidance on important matters of life or simply for their presence. When you feel the veil is thin or you feel energies reach out to them.

Consult the Book of Shadows page from our October Witchbox for more details about contacting ancestors during Samhain. 

Apple Spice Pancakes!

Baking and cooking is always an essential on any Sabbat, a celebration is not complete without a feast. Is there a better way to begin the new year than with festive apple pancakes?

To make this delicious dish, peel and chop a couple apples into bite sized pieces. Place the apple into a bowl and douse in the following, cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, honey and maple syrup (along with any of your favourite spices). Place to the side and follow your favourite pancake or waffle recipe. Once the pancake batter is prepared grab your spicy apple mixture and place on top, enjoy with a hot morning brew!

Herbs for Samhain rituals:

Rosemary: For remembrance, love and purification. 

Mugwort: For aid in divination. Divination practices are always a good idea on the Celtic new year. Strengthens psychic powers and dreamwork.

Lavender: Although lavender is a little difficult to get a hold of during this Sabbat many witches collect dry this flower in the summer months. Lavender can be a great aid during Samhain rituals as it enhances love and peace. When contacting ancestors it is essential to keep the atmosphere full of love. 

For more information about the uses and purposes of magickal herbs consult our ' Herbs for Magickal Purposes' booklet. 

 Have Blessed Samhain from everyone at Witchbox!

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