Subscribe for February 2025

Yule Bath Spell for Body and Spirit

Whether you feel you need a bit of rejuvenation or are just looking to soak in the spirit of the festive season, we have a comforting, bathing ritual to share with all our magickal subscribers.

This fragrant Yuletide blessing bath is guaranteed to cleanse the spirit and mend a weary body from the past year’s labours. If you don’t have a bath it works equally as well as a body wash – just add the ingredients to your usual shower gel.

For this ritual Yule bath, you will need:

· Candles (white or green)

· Half a cup of Sea Salt

· Half a teaspoon of Thyme

· Half a teaspoon of Rosemary

· A few drops of your preferred essential oil (festive scents will work best e.g., Orange, Pine, Cinnamon)


1. First, boil some water in a small pan and add in the Rosemary and Thyme. Stir for several minutes then allow to cool.

2. Run a warm bath while the mixture cools and add your Sea Salt to the bath water.

3. Pour the Rosemary and Thyme water into the bath and slowly stir them together in a clockwise motion. While you do this, reflect on everything that you have faced and overcome during this past year.

4. Light your candles and place them around your bathroom.

5. As you lower yourself into the bath water, visualise all of your exhaustion and negativity washing away from you and dissolving.

6. Let the water invigorate and uplift you as you soak in it and focus on all the promising energy that you will take with you into the new year. Think about what it is that you are looking forward to in this time.

7. Take a deep breath in and visualise bright white energy flowing down through the top of your head, filling your body with light. With each breath you take pull the light further down into yourself.

8. Meditate for as long as feels comfortable to you and relax, secure in the knowledge that you are revitalised and ready for the next turn of the wheel.

You can repeat this bath ritual as often as you like over the holiday season, whenever you feel you need more psychic energy. Each time you do, focus hard on the replenishment of your energy and self, so that you may go into 2023 eager and fully charged with positivity.


Blessings x

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