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Creating Sigils with the Signature Method

There are many methods for creating sigils, we have previously created a blog post taking your through the wheel method (read here).

A quick history of the Sigil

A sigil is a magickal sign or symbol that has been created to represent a particular intention or goal and have been used by Witches and occultists for centuries. Even in a religious context, sigils have been used by many ancient civilisations stretching back millennia – good examples of this are the Christian cross and the Jewish Star of David.

The word ‘sigil’ comes from the Latin word sigillum’ which means ‘seal’ and they played an important role in Medieval ceremonial magick, where symbols were used to raise and control a specific entity, like an angel or a demon. A good example is ‘The Lesser Key of Solomon’, an anonymous grimoire of 72 sigils used to control 72 demons compiled in the late 1600s. But please don’t let this alarm you! In modern day magick, like the kind this post is concerned with, sigils are used for personal matters such as attracting wealth, protection, healing, setting stronger boundaries and used to represent an intention or thought and have no connection to demonology or dark magick.

How to use Sigils

It’s a good example of Chaos Magick, where an affirmation, statement, word or name is converted to symbolic form which is charged with very specific intention and is an incredibly powerful form of magick. They can be drawn, carved or burned into any kind of material, but usually they are simply drawn with a pen or pencil on a piece of paper. This makes them easier to destroy usually by burning either when activating them or when the magick is complete. Drawing it on paper also makes it easier to carry and conceal. A sigil can be either an ingredient or a spell within itself.

Making a sigil is a great way to give a physical form to your intentions and goals and is an incredibly powerful form of magick. The great thing is there are many ways to make a sigil that is packed with the power of your intention making it a great form of magick for those Witches on a budget (all you need is a pen and paper). It can also be a discreet form of magick for those practicing in the broom closet. Creating sigils is such a magickal practice and can help us further connect with our inner selves. As with many magickal practices the power comes from within, the better we can connect our physical actions to our inner being the more powerful your practice should be.


The Signature Method

Although there are a wide variety of methods, the signature method is the simplest one we have come across and is great if you have never used sigils before.

  1. Choose your desired intention, this can either be a word or a phrase. For example, ‘I am strong’ or ‘Strength’.
  2. Write your chosen word/phrase repeatedly. Remove any spaces, then start to remove some of the letters, usually the vowels.
  3. Then try and combine the remaining letters into one symbol. This can be done by overlapping or connecting the remaining letters.
  4. Draw the letters repeatedly and make as many combinations as your feel is right.
  5. Think of your Sigil as you would a signature. You are creating a signature for your intention.
  6. Once you are happy with your sigil you can then use it however you wish. The process of burning will activate it, therefore carving it into a candle can be a good place to start.
  7. Write the final sigil into your Book of Shadows or Grimoire and repeat this process for any further intentions.

To watch a video tutorial click here.

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